Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Learn to paint wildlife - Step-by-Step Tutorial

 Just wanted to post a quick update - I have just finished my latest eBook (May 2013)  "How to Paint Animals"
Packed full of tips and new painting techniques, it really is an encyclopedia on wildlife painting. 

You can read full details by clicking the photo below 


Here is a quick learn to paint wildlife tutorial - Painting a Lion's eye
It shows very briefly my wildlife painting techniques - hope some find it useful
Ok 1st image shows the pencil outlines plus the very initial scrubbing in of some colour - burnt sienna and burnt umber / black

This 2nd image shows the continuation of the blocking in, it's a searching time ie I am constantly squinting my eyes, looking at the reference for the major shapes and tones and also colours. Constantly comparing one part to the next.

Everything is blocked in now (below).

Here I am just re-establishing the darks and touching up areas. But notice how the eye still looks lifeless at this point.

Just the beginnings of a highlight and already there is some life starting.

Here I have added more highlight, remember the brightest white dot is the sun so the lighter areas is the reflection of the blue sky, I have therefore made the highlight a light blue, not white. The sunlight that hits the eye also travels through the eye, so the area directly below the highlight is also lighter.

If you enjoyed this demo then don't forget there are lots more on my tutorial site -

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